How PEPPM Works
The Pennsylvania-based cooperative purchasing program, PEPPM, is a nationally expansive operation that helps schools and other public institutions acquire new technology with less hassle; PEPPM ensures adherence to government requirements for using federal grants to purchase and create contracts and their clients get new tech faster.
The traditional process for creating federally funded contracts requires institutions to “go to bid,” meaning they must propose their projects to several different contractors in order to guarantee that they will choose the most cost-effective option. However, with the addition of a third-party contract vehicle like PEPPM, the schools no longer worry about the bidding process, and PEPPM ensures that everyone gets the best deal, saving everyone money in the long run.
By partnering with brands like Primex, PEPPM is able to bring a repertoire of trusted sources to the discussion table so schools and businesses can have easy access to the best solutions. Interested parties can count on finding an array of products for common needs, such as efficient time management equipment and classroom or workplace safety solutions.
Relevant Tech Options for Modernizing Public Institutions
Clear and efficient communication strategies are incredibly important in all kinds of organizations but can be especially vital in environments where adherence to a schedule is essential. Primex offers several products to help keep places like these on track, beginning with the basics: a unified time system. With Primex OneVue Sync™, schools and other public institutions can count on their clocks, both digital and analog, being synchronized and accurate. Facilitywide synced clocks allow students and teachers to focus on education and ensure that classes, projects, and meetings run on time.
The OneVue Notify® mass communication system provides visual alerts and notifications to improve message transmission during in-session hours and response time in critical situations. OneVue Notify also offers customizable bell schedules to further streamline school days.
- The OneVue Notify InfoBoard™ adds another layer of communication to your daily announcements as well as your emergency response plan. It can send digital, visual messages throughout a building on a colorful LED screen. This system is perfect for relaying emergency situations, communicating to those hard of hearing, and reaching students in loud, busy environments, like band and choir rooms and gymnasiums, as those groups might not catch every bell or loudspeaker announcement.
- The OneVue Notify Bell Controller enables users to set bell schedules for up to seven days, repeated each week, in order to reliably regulate class changes. The system also allows users to adapt the normal schedule for impromptu changes and special occasions, such as late starts, exam weeks, or early releases.